09/17: Look out for my scene with Maggie Gyllenhaal in the pilot of the new series "The Deuce" premiering on September 10th at 9pm on HBO!
08/17: I'm always happy to reunite again with frequent collaborators Rising Sun and Joan Kane who have each provided me numerous opportunities to work on new plays. Someone I have worked with even more is Bara Swain who is the writer of the One-Acts I will be appearing in for them this month on Governor's Island
7/17: One of the groups I've just started acting with this year is 29th St. Playwrights Collective, last month we did an evening of short pieces at The Bernie Wohl Center. On the 19th, I'll be starring in The Dramatists Guild Annual Michael Warren Powell Memorial Reading of a full-length we worked on there called "After the Party" by Michelle Ghatan.
06/17: Di and I have been working for the past year to develop a web series based on her first years here studying acting and we've just had the first read-through for a group of our most talented writer friends to get feedback for our series re-writes.
05/17: Longtime friend and collaborator Hila Ben-Gara has asked me and Di (my wife) to read some roles in her latest full-length play this month at Shetler.
04/17: I will be starring (in the role I created at Ensemble Studio Theatre) in the World Premiere Production of Jeff Tabnick's "The Problem of Verisimilitude" directed by Eric Nightengale at the Cherry Lane opening on May 13th as part of the Downtown Urban Arts Festival. More info here:
0/3/17: "Nell Dash" was a smashing success and we won several awards including Best Director for Dennis Corsi and Best Set Design of the entire festival! I also performed in a reading of a new play called "Carlett's Just Carlett" with my frequent collaborators playwright Kat Mustatsea, director Michole Biancosino and co-star Russell Jordan, for The 365 Women NYC Play Festival at Theatre For the New City. I also acted in a staged reading of "Sky is Blue" by Amy Oestreicher and directed by Karin Williams for Casa de Beverley's One Acts & Snacks Series in Brooklyn, benefiting the ALS charity Project Main Street.
0/2/17: A play we read for Abingdon's Playwright retreat a few years back is getting its World Premiere production! "Nell Dash" is Doug DeVita's wild, hilarious mash-up featuring characters from "Sweeney Todd", "Threepenny Opera", "Oliver Twist" and about 5 other Dickens novels. We are performing as part of WinterFest and I am playing a whole different set of roles this time (including Fagan) so come and see us at Hudson Guild on Feb. 28th, March 4th or 5th! Tickets here:
01/17: Reprised the role I created in James Armstrong's two character full-length "I Hate You: A Love Story" at IATI with Dev Bondarin again directing. Also performed in the same playwright's "Burns Night" directed by Ilanna Saltzman for an Urban Stages evening of new plays. Proud to have demonstrated again (for both The Ghostlight Project in Times Sq. and The Women's March up 5th Ave. to the Tower).
12/16: After over 30 years being a serious and passionate spectator of the art form (as well as a frequent participant in many other people's productions), I finally became an actual filmmaker this month! I can't adequately describe how incredible it feels to have crossed that threshold. Will also reprise my role in John Cappelletti's two-hander "We The People" in a reading at The Equity Library in January.
11/16: Acted for Naked Angels in a variety of roles by High School playwrights in a 3T workshop in Astoria. Just down the street from there, "Evensong" opened to excellent reviews (see "Recognition" section) and ran for 3 weeks. A beautiful play (and company to work with) which could not be more resonant now that we find ourselves in a world that is so counter to who we, as Americans, should keep aspiring to be.
10/16: Cast in a developmental reading of screenplay "The Rainbow" for Cannes Festival-selected director Dennis Cahlo. Performed in a reading of the great Liz Karlin's latest full-length play "The Showman and the Spirit" for Project Y at ARTNYC and directed by David Hilder.
9/16: Performed in the first public reading of Jeff Tabnick's brilliant new full-length "The Problem of Verisimilitude" for Ensemble Studio Theatre's main stage, directed by Kirsten Sanderson and as Petulant in Congreve's "The Way of the World" for ISC. Cast in the World Premiere of Christina Quintana's powerful new full-length play "Evensong" for Astoria Performing Arts. It's about the shelter system and I play a homeless poet named "Tragedy" as well as another role as one of the volunteers.
8/16: Performed at FringeNYC in Jim Farmer's new full-length murder-farce "A Brandy Before Dying" playing two roles: a suave scheming Brit and a Scottish detective.
7/16: Performed for the first time with a new Brooklyn group called Step 1 Theatre in a 24 Hour Play Fest. Our piece by Nolan Johnson entitled "Old School" was a painful yet sweet 2 hander celebrating Gay Pride and the unrequited love of a best friend.
6/16: We've recently had serious interest for making a feature length adaption of the suspenseful 2 hander short I starred in several years ago entitled "4th of Summer" our writer/director David Toth has just written the expanded version's script and we did a table read of it for the producer and his team who came to town to discuss the deal. Also performed in a new one-act by my pal Gianmarco Soresi called "Just Josh" directed by Lila Rachel Becker for TinyRhino at the Littlefield Theatre in Brooklyn and played Joseph Surface in a reading of "The School For Scandal" for ISC.
5/16: Starred in the first public reading of nationally renowned young genius Julia Doolittle's epic new play "username://Prometheus" directed by Ben Ferber at The PIT. "Relevance!" also continues to successfully play the circuit since we just got a great reception during the USA Independent Film Festival at Union Docs in Brooklyn.
4/16: "Ghost Light" Season 2 is now airing! Also, performed in 3 new plays as part of Lama Theatre's Fest of the Best at the Kraine: including the title role in "The Binding of Isaac" by Israeli playwright Reuel Shualy and playing a Middle Eastern refugee in "Asylum?" by Daniel Curzon directed by my very own gorgeously talented wife Dianne Diep-Rossi!
3/16: Starred in Dean Preston's World Premiere full-length "Canned Laughter at HERE for the Downtown Urban Theatre Festival and was in a sold-out reading at the legendary Cherry Lane of Jim Farmer's hilarious full-length "A Brandy Before Dying". We also had a great premiere party for next month's launch of Season 2 of "Ghost Light" at Professor Thom's in Midtown.
2/16: Performed in a new one-act by David Meyers called "ISIS in Hollywood" directed by Kelley Gates at The Tank and one called "Class Reunion by James Ferguson at Urban Stages directed by my frequent collaborator Vincent Scott. Was also cast in a table read of Wes Ciesla's new screenplay "Twice".
1/16: We've just begun rehearsals for the tragicomic "Canned Laughter" in which I star as a suicidal former clown/ children's TV host contemplating a comeback. I've helped develop this role and script through a series of earlier readings via the recently lamentably disbanded Abingdon Playwrights' Groups so I'm very excited to see how the finished piece will come out when we open in March.
12/15: Was in a reading of the new full-length "This Time Will Work" by CJ Ehrlich and directed by Mia Anderson at ART. Completed the 'NYC in the '70's' trifecta by shooting a day on "The Bleeder" starring Liev Schrieber and Elizabeth Moss, also cast in a very challenging and painful divorce case which will begin in the New Year for Elizabeth Clemants' Mediation Training Program "Planning Change".
11/15: Cast to do a scene with Maggie Gyllenhall in the pilot of HBO's "The Deuce". I play a potential "John" who she's trying to get to pick her up until Method Man as a pimp shows up and scares me away. Was also cast for The Barrow Group reading of Bara Swain's new full-length "Providence" directed by Eliza Foss.
10/15: Did another reading of Nancy McClernan's new full-length "Dark Market", also cast in a bank commercial by Grey Advertising, and very glad I didn't cut my hair as I've been featured again prominently and often in the shooting of HBO's "Vinyl".
9/15: Played Hotspur in H41 for Instant Shakespeare and did a reading of new full-length "The Patient Man, Amorous Virgin and Honest Whore" by George Rady.
8/15: My episode of "Power" aired, "Shapeshifter" opened and I appeared in the premiere of a great two-hander by Sander Gusinow called "Philoctetes" for the brand new Leela Theatre Festival.
7/15: Our annual Abingdon playwrights retreat had me reading an extremely varied cast of characters in new full length plays by: Melissa Skirboll, Liz Karlin, Doug DeVita, Steven Haworth, Lia Romeo and Dean Preston.
6/15: Reuniting with my frequent collaborators, director Kara Raphaeli and Jonathan Wallace, in his new play "Shapeshifter" (opposite my beautiful and amazingly talented wife Dianne Diep-Rossi) opening in August at Manhattan Rep. Performed in "The Last Resort Plays" for Abingdon.
5/15: Shooting on "Ghost Light" Season Two begins next month and I've been doing more of the improvised roles the past few weeks again for several new cases in Elizabeth Clement's "Planning Change" Mediator Training Program.
4/15: "Relevance!" continues to play festivals. The latest was the ironically titled "Bad Film Festival" in Williamsburg (almost everything I saw there was quite wonderful) Performed (on the last day of March) in an evening of new shorts for NYC Playwrights called "Take Back the Rom-Com" at Workshop's Jewel Box Theatre. Played Tranio in "Taming of the Shrew" in my return to Instant Shakespeare, I also did another 24 Hour play Fest for RSP, a two-hander called "Danger!" by Megan Bandelt and directed by Dennis Gleason.
3/15: I had the huge honor of a lead role written specifically for me and performing it in the first reading of Lia Romeo's new full-length "The Grand Tour" for The Brooklyn Generator! Also did another great reading of full-length "The Silver Thread" by Joslyn Housley Mc Laughlin (this time in Newark at Essex College) acted in a new comedy called "Love Lines" by Bara Swain (opposite my hilarious wife) for the 36 Hour Play Fest at Urban Stages, and helped Jonathan Vandenberg develop his new version of "The Orestia" for Classic Stage Company as one of The Furies.
2/15: We're back! First read through of Season Two of our web series "Ghost Light"! Also reprised my role of the closeted priest in "Sodom & Gomorrah: The One Man Show" by Nancy McClernan at the legendary Players Theatre and did a first reading of Catherine Castellani's new full-length play "In Search of Lost Time" at ART.
1/15: In addition to opening CMT this month, I also performed in "Plays Against Humanity" 24 Hour Fest for RSP in a play called "The Aura" by Tariq Hamami and Directed by Mia Anderson and reprised my role as the nerdy, hunchbacked Russian ninja assassin in a new reading of "The Other Genius" by Steve Haworth and Directed by Jamie Richards at Abingdon.
11/07/14: Cast as Schultz in Annie Baker's Award-Winning "Circle Mirror Transformation" which will play in both NYC and Montreal in January!
9/13/14: Cast in a hilarious one act by my frequent collaborator James Armstrong about the world's worst production of "The Glass Menagerie" for the 3rd Annual Bad Plays Festival opening in October!
8/10/14: Playing one of Shakespeare's best clowns (Launce) in "Two Gentlemen of Verona" opening tonight at Clarion Theatre!
6/1/14: I will be reprising my role as voice 3 in "Moby-Dick" tonight at 7pm this time at Abingdon!
5/23/14: Happy Birthday to the most beautiful girl in the world: my wife, Dianne Diep! Her artistry and passion as a fellow actor inspires me every day. All of it is always for you, my dearest love
5/8/14: Opening tonight in the title role of "Tartuffe" for Calvary Theatre!
4/23/14: Got my picture in the papers today (both AM NY and Metro) doing a monologue for a flash mob event by The Drilling Company celebrating Shakespeare's 450th Birthday in Bryant Park!
4/10/14: Opening tonight in "P.C." by Bara Swain at Shetler Studios.
4/08/14: Playing numerous characters in James Armstrong's 4 actor adaption of "Moby-Dick" tonight at IATI directed by Dev Bondarin!
2/12/14: Opening tonight as Bubnoff in Gorki's "The Lower Depths" at The Producer's Club!